Grand Council of the Celestial People's Power

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The Grand Council of the Celestial People's Power (GCCPP) also known as the Grand Council, is the legislature of the Celestial Hegemony. It consists of 2,700 representatives of the Basic Council of the Celestial People's Council and is based in the Grand House of the Celestial People in Sunfall. The GCCPP is the legislative forum that interacts with the Heavenly Rule Assistance Association. It serves as the intermediary between the masses and the leadership and was composed of the secretariats of some 600 local "basic popular congresses." The GCCPP has the deliberate power to elect a candidate for the position of the High Archon of People

Powers[edit | edit source]

The GCCPP has three main functions, legislative, budgeting and oversight. It draws up and passes laws of its own as well discussing and approving government regulations in lieu of law and proposals from the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) related to regional issues. Together with the grand premier, it produces the annual budget, taking into consideration the views of the RRC. It also has the right to question the grand premier and other government officials, however, it can not question the Hegemon.

Only the Hegemon holds the power to dissolve the GCCPP.