Imperial Knights

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The Imperial Knights are the elite military groups of Cedronia and are formed by the noble elite of Cedronia. To become a Knight, one must graduate from one of Cedronia's Academies and then be inducted into a Knightly Order.

Training[edit | edit source]

A state secret of the Knighthood training is each Knight adopts a pet horse when starting and must care for the horse until graduation. A week before graduation, the aspirants are told to graduate they must kill their horse. Most refuse this order and are inducted into the normal knighthood ceremony, however the few who do decide to kill their horse are brought to be further trained in an elite division of black-ops soldiers known as Knightmare Division. This Knightmare Divison is known as a group of assassins, spies, and saboteurs as well as terrorists for the terror they sow behind enemy lines and those deemed enemies of the state.