Libera Populares

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Libera Populares
Commune flag.png
Flag of the Liber Populares
Mother Jacobina Lucia Adranos
Vox Populi Jackson Reed
Insurrectionary Commander Carolus Delinius
Founder Jacobina Lucia Adranos
Founded 1590
Headquarters Armidale
Newspaper The Black Star
Membership 3 million
Political position Far-left
Armed wing Populares Militas
Youth wing Children of Mother
Women's wing Mother's of the Future
Cleric's wing Libera Druids
Ideology Unionism

"Better to kill an innocent by mistake than spare an enemy by mistake."
— Slogan of the Libera Populares

The Libera Populares also known as the Free Peoples is the governing party of the Union of Communes is the regime that currently rules the Great Plains of Cedronia and Ordovia.

The Libera Populares army was slowly built up in the plains of eastern Cedronia throughout the regime of Ferrum dom Manus and is rumored to have been supported by the Barcasia. In 1675, the Unionists started the Black Rebellion in mulitple parts of Cedronia. While their original goal of overthrowing the nationalist government and establishing control throughout the country failed, they did manage to establish a strong foothold in the Great Plains. Following this partial victory, the Libera Populares led by Thurstan Reeve renamed the areas under their control as Union of Communions and immediately set about forcibly evacuating major cities. The regime has been said to have murdered hundreds of thousands of their perceived political opponents and killed thousands more through various policies.

The Libera Populares regime is highly autocratic, xenophobic, paranoid and repressive. Much of the deaths have been the result of the regime's social engineering policies. It has attempted agricultural reform through collectivization which has led to widespread famine while its insistence on absolute self-sufficiency even in the supply of medicine led to the death of many thousands from treatable diseases such as malaria. The Libera Populares's emphasis on traditionalism and going back to the old ways before industrialization has resulted in the death of thousands of industrialists and members of the nobility. Arbitrary executions and torture were carried out by its cadres against perceived subversive elements such as priests of both the Orthodox Song and Herectical Song.

The military of the Libera Populares are known for their forced conscription, sex slavery, and prevelant use of child soldiers. While little to none are found in the "professional" army of the Revolutionary Insurrectionist Army, many can be found throughout the various miltias that populate the Union such as the Obsidian Order, Haverson's Popular Front, and the Black Hand.

Ideology and policies[edit | edit source]

Structure and membership[edit | edit source]

Economy and employment[edit | edit source]

Education[edit | edit source]

Foreign affairs[edit | edit source]

Land and sovereignty[edit | edit source]

Military[edit | edit source]

Heavenly Asharan Shields of the Eternal Flame

Heavenly Asharan Guardians of the Enlightened Path

Press[edit | edit source]

Religion[edit | edit source]