North Cedronia

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United Seresian Republic of Cedronia
North Cedronia
Tri wolf flag.png Triwolf Helghan green.png
Unity, Liberty, Duty
Location of
Location of
Capital Lysandria
Largest City Lysandria
Official languages Seresian
Ethnic groups North Seresian 48%
Central Seresian 23%
Kushari 20%
• Other and Mixed 5%
South Seresian 4%
Religion None (secular)
Demonym Cedronian
Government Unitary Resurrectionist one-party republic under a military dictatorship
Imperator Ferrum I
Prime Minister Tibius Eliades
Upper House Council of the Nation
Lower House People's National Assmebly
- Estimate 64.9 million (13.7 million under government control)
Currency Imperial Solidus
Beginning of the Successor Wars 1421
Beginning of the Reynar-Vossus Dynasty 1455
Cedronian Revolution 1630
Proclamation of the United Seresian Empire of Cedronia 1636
"Cedronia was always known as the Crossroad of Empires, when armies march, they march through us. "
— Legate Regulus during the Third Coalition War

North Cedronia, officially known as the United Seresian Republic of Cedronia (USRC) is a state in Southeastern Seres and constitutes the northern part of the former Commonwealth of Cedronia. North Cedronia is a one-party state under the military dictatorship of Chancellor-Imperator Ferrum I and the Seresian National Resurrectionist Worker's Party (Cedronian-dominated faction). North Cedronia is a member of the Southern Bloc and receives regular financial and military aid from the Celestial Hegemony.

During the Fourth Coalition War, Cedronian revolutionary Lucius dom Regulus and the Imperator and leader of the nationalist group, the Seresian National Resurrectionist Worker's Party (Cedronian-dominated faction) Ferrum dom Manus, demanded an immediate withdrawal of Cedronia from the unpopular war. When their demands weren't meant, Regulus and Manus mobilized their forces to take the capital city of Antipolis.

The Royal government moved in to reassert control over the parts of the country they had lost to the revolutionary forces however much of the main army was stationed on the frontlines against the Celestial Hegemony, forcing the royalists to use poorly trained and equipped militias. The revolutionaries captured and controlled most of the rural areas surrounding the capital which led to the Siege of Antipolis in 1628. As revolutionary forces storm the city, an explosion of unknown origin destroys the city, killing Regulus, the Royal family save for two, and over a million people in an event known as the Oblieration of Antipolis.

After the Obliteration, Manus and Ares dom Reynar, the oldest surviving member of the royal family, agree to a ceasefire. The ceasefire provisionally divided the country into a northern and a southern zone along the Tyrus River, with general elections scheduled for 1630 to bring about the unification of Cedronia. The northern zone, controlled by Manus under the name of the United Seresian Republic of Cedronia, became commonly called North Cedronia, while the southern zone, under control of the Ashkali-established Kingdom of Cedronia was commonly called South Vietnam.

In 1630, Master-King Ares, announced that South Cedronia would not participate in elections to unify the country, cited a distrust with the nationalists who he blamed for the destruction of Antipolis and death of his family.

After the failure to reunify Cedronia by-elections, North Cedronia attempted to unify the country by force, leading to the Cedronian Civil War in 1630. The North Cedronian military and the South Cedronia-based National Liberation Front for South Cedronia guerrilla fought against the military of South Cedronia and have been backed by the Celestial Hegemony. To prevent the encirclement of their strategic province of North Asharia, Ashkal intervened in the conflict on the side of South Cedronia. The conflict has since spread to neighboring countries and North Cedronia has supported the Pathet Lao in Barcasia and the Khmer Rouge in Sertoria against their respective Ashkali-backed governments. By 1642, due to the rise of the Revolutionary Free State, the United Federation and its allies have been forced to withdraw from the war, leaving South Cedronia alone.

Currently, the war is at a stalemate due to the current plague ravaging much of Cedronia.

Mountainous and industrial. Most populated region of Cedronia with densely crowded and packed cities in valleys and in the shadows of mountains.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Prehistory and Ancient Sidar[edit | edit source]

2000 years

Tributary of Kushar[edit | edit source]

40 years

Seresian Sidar[edit | edit source]

742 years

Ashkali Sidar[edit | edit source]

80 years

Kingdom of Cedronia[edit | edit source]

Independence in 1589.

Vossus Dynasty[edit | edit source]

31 years

Royal Republic of Cedronia[edit | edit source]


Reynar-Vossus Dynasty[edit | edit source]

Civil War[edit | edit source]

1630-Current (1648)

Fall: Crown-Prince Marcus runs away with a woman of low-birth, forcing his younger and unprepared brother to become next-in-line for the throne. When High-King Reynar dies, Nicolus is coronated as king. Nicolus is incompetent and without a strong ruler-ship, Cedronia falls to years of infighting. This ends with the formation of the theocracy known as the Eternal Ascendancy in the south and the start of the First Coalition War which Nicolus sees as a way to unite the warring families. This however fails as after twelve years of warfare and no benefit, the people rebel against the monarchy in the Cedronian Revolution.

United Seresian Empire of Cedronia[edit | edit source]

Manus Dynasty[edit | edit source]

Geography[edit | edit source]

Government and Politics[edit | edit source]

North Cedronia is a unitary one-party republic guided by the ideology of Resurrectionism. The first and current constitution, drafted by military leaders, asserts the role of the Seresian National Resurrectionist Worker's Party in all branches of the country's politics and society. The president is the elected head of state and the Imperator (commander-in-chief) of the military, serves as the chairman of the Council of Supreme Defence and Security, and is the Regional Secretary of Seresian National Resurrectionist Worker's Party (Cedronian-dominated faction).

The executive branch consists of the president, two vice presidents, the prime minister, and the Council of Ministers (cabinet). The constitution gives the president the right to appoint ministers, to declare war and state of emergency, to issue laws (which, except in the case of emergency, require ratification by the People's Council), to declare amnesty, to amend the constitution, and to appoint civil servants and military personnel. The president is elected by Cedronian citizens in a direct election.

The bicameral legislature, called the National People's Assembly, is made up of two houses: the upper House of Nationalities and the lower House of Representatives. The body is responsible for passing laws, approving government appropriations and debating policy. 25% of the legislators are appointed by the military and the rest elected in general elections. In the event of a vote of no confidence by a simple majority, the Prime Minister is required to tender the resignation of their government to the President.

Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Nationalist government is the tiered citizenship structure. As citizens become more effective and useful members of society, their citizenship tier can rise, granting them more rights and privileges. A popular punishment for minor crimes is the reduction of a citizenship tier, which can restrict their freedom of speech, freedom of movement, and countless other details of daily life that go as far down as the amount of water allotted to a citizen's showers each month.

Stateholds[edit | edit source]

The National Cedronia is a unitary state of 13 states under the permanent presidency of Syras, the largest and most powerful state. However, due to the civil war, the nationalist governments influence only extends to 4 of the 13.

Name Location Current Head Status Loyalty General information
House of Manus Megara and Syras Ferum dom Manus Alive Imperialist Example
House of Castell Sicyon Example Alive Imperialist Example
House of Hargest West Fluvius Example Alive Imperialist Example

Rainbow Coast House of Cassian Paros

Diamond Domain House of Castell Sicyon

Imperial Coast: House of Manus: Syras

Monteferrum House of Manus Megara

West Riverland House of Hargest West Fluvius

Midland House of Taggard Naxos

Southreach House of Levon Leros

Former Great Houses[edit | edit source]

Domain of the Monteferrum formerly ruled by the House of Arven

Domain of the Flamelands formerly ruled by the House of Sasanfar Meridian

Domain of the Great Plains formerly ruled by the House of Duskglade Herbas

Domain of East Riverland formerly ruled by the House of Farus East Fluvius


Foreign relations[edit | edit source]

Military and paramilitary[edit | edit source]

Cedronian Seresian Army[edit | edit source]

Volunteer Resistance Force[edit | edit source]

Sentinels of the Republic[edit | edit source]

Cedronian Seresian Navy[edit | edit source]

Cedronian Sea Raiders[edit | edit source]

Economy[edit | edit source]

Demographics[edit | edit source]

Population[edit | edit source]

Culture[edit | edit source]

Religion[edit | edit source]













House of Corvus

