Seresian Peoples

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The Seresian Peoples are the second largest ethnic group in the known world and reside on the continent of Seres. They are split into three subgroups based on geographic location and minimal cultural and lingustic differences. The three groups are the North Seresians, the Central Seresians, and the Southern Seresians.

Culture[edit | edit source]

The Seresian peoples are known for their honor, importance of family and martial prowess. A common trait shared amongst a sizable majority of Seresians is their belief of superiority and consider most others to be inferior to them, both culturally and in fighting skill. While Seresians take a great amount of importance in birth and bloodlines, one can rise in ranks of society through merit as well. Seresian nations are known for their rigid Entrance Exams which determine what positions one would be most suited in.

Many Seresian nobles are raised from childhood to be warriors, as belief in the military and strength is one of the core values that most Seresians follow. Other societal roles are treated as secondary endeavors or even hobbies, and are not honored at all. One interesting example of this martial focus is that only aristocrats are allowed to wield swords and that sword-wielders are then no longer eligible for marriage; however, they may breed with any female they choose, married or otherwise, to ensure successful transmission of "swordsman" genes.

Dueling scars: Dueling, for training, honor, or combat, is seen as sacred ritual to Seresians. The scars one recieves from a duel are wore with honor and pride regardless of whether they won or lost the duel. To refuse a duel is one of the greatest dishonors one can inflict upon an Seresian and can be used a call for death or dishonor upon one's name.

Horse rearing: Horses are seen as sacred animals to Seresians, especially the Central Seresians. Nobles are often raised with their horses and those enrolled in one of Seres's many Academies often must take care of one's horse to enter into one of the Knightly Orders.

War Wages: War is not taken lightly in Seres and those who wage it must be willing to sacrifice as much as those they send to battle. Wages are often a way to prove one's confident in a battle plan or military campaign. Small wagers, such as one's hair or meager earnings, are shown that they are not confident in a plan. Larger wages, such as land or slaves are shown to express confidence. The largest wage one can risk is their own life in what is called a Blood Wage. If the campaign or battle is lost, those who put forth a Blood Wage are ritualistically killed.