War of Seresian Liberation

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Successor Wars

War of Seresian Liberation


1528-1542 (14 years)




  • End of the majority of Ashkali rule in the Seres.
  • Establishment of the Seresian Imperium

Territory changes:

Ashkal loses dominion over most of their possessions in the continental Seres and retained only eastern coastal lands.


Seresian National Resurrection Movement

Ashkali Empire


Gaius the Great


The Seresian Independence War also known in Seres as the War of Seresian Liberation or in Ashkali as the Ashkali Colonial War, was fought between the Ashkali Empire and the emerging nationalist movements in Ashkali's Seresian colonies between 1417 to 1431. The Ashkali conservative and authoritarian regime, was overthrown in a revolution in 1431, and the change in government brought the conflict to an end. It was a complex conflict characterized by both the use of guerrilla and conventional warfare. The conflict also became a civil war between the different communities and within the communities.